Service Design Drinks Milan’s organizers are:
Alessandra Canella, Luca Molinari, Marihum Pernía, Claudia Pollina, Martina Rossi
Service Design Drinks believe, for its nature, in the power of the community.
It is the demonstration a shared passion can bring people together and learn from each other. Born as an event series “designed” to be democratic, it is a platform that shares contributions coming from the community itself, making it grow over time. The service design community of Milan during the past two years demonstrated to be proactive and linked by a very strong sense of belonging. Therefore, we believe in the power of this community to stand up and fight for democracy.
In particular, in June 2017, we explored and discussed how design can tackle democracy in this era where what is happening in the world is putting in danger its basic principles.
Our aim had been to collect contributions from the community on what design could “lend” to democracy. After having listened to projects, proposals and opinions on the topic and we refined a shared vision:
We strongly believe that design methodologies and practices can positively affect democracy.
We believe that the skills of envisioning, collaborating, engaging and creating, which are typical of the designers, can be the drivers for a positive change in democracy. In the same way, design-specific tools can be enablers of discussions, empowering people to express their opinion, while designers become the ambassadors of people wishes and concerns.
Service Design Drinks Milan
Service Design Drinks Milan
Milan, Italy
service design
Social innovation