It is important to ID+ DESIS Lab to support this Open Letter “Stand-Up for Democracy” from Ezio Manzini and Victor Margolin.

Designers are “special agents” inside society able to foresee what is new and, hopefully, act on that to foster better changes and have a positive impact in the present and in the future.

Present times show us that freedom and citizens’ rights are facing new threats, even in democratic contexts we took for granted.

As agents of change, designers must have an active role identifying these threats, debating its origins and consequences, and, most important, developing sustainable social projects where the democratic principles are at their core.

Stand-up, speak out and design for the common good.

Teresa Franqueira

ID + DESIS Lab, Universidade de Aveiro

Aveiro, Portugal

Fields of Action
It increases the opportunities for citizens to participate in deliberative processes. It focuses on transparency (which enables citizens to be aware of the on-going process of governance) and deliberative methods (which is the opportunity to be better involved in decision making processes).
It refers to all the design initiatives that are particularly responsive to the goals of democracy. It may deal with the provision of basic human rights (such as access to food, shelter, health care, and education) and, more in general, with the transition towards a more resilient, fair and sustainable society.

design for social innovation