“Democrazia e Design” round-table @ Torino City of Design/WDO 30th GA
September 21, 2017

democrazia design WDO Torino

On 12th October, a round-table talk called “Democrazia e Design” will take place at MIAAO, LabOratorio di San Filippo Neri (via Maria Vittoria 7/a, Torino), during the prestigious event Torino Design of the City (9th-16th October).

In this context, “Democrazia and Design” will offer its contribution, as part of the initiative Stand Up for Democracy, focusing on the idea of design democracy, intended as a democracy regenerated by the variety and dynamism of projects happening within it, where the figure of designer contributes in several ways.

Here’s participants and scheduled program for that day:

6 p.m. — Opening
Francesca Leon (Assessora alla Cultura, Torino)
Luisa Bocchietto (World Design Organization)

6.15 p.m. — Introduction
Ezio Manzini (DESIS) Contributi per una democrazia progettuale
Stefano Maffei (Politecnico di Milano) La Design Democracy Platform

6.45 p.m — Panel
Fabrizio Barbiero (Torino Social Innovation)
Luisa Bocchietto (World Design Organization)
Cristian Campagnaro (Politecnico di Torino)
Tiziana Ciampolini (S-Nodi)
Francesco De Biase (Città di Torino)
Ezio Manzini (DESIS)
Virginia Tassinari (LUCA School of Arts)

Moderator: Stefano Maffei (Politecnico di Milano)

7.30 p.m. — Open discussion

During these days, the city will be animated by a number of public talks organized by World Design Organization (formerly known as The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design), which has chosen Torino to be theatre of its 30th General Assembly, “Achieving the SDGs by Design”, and to celebrate 60 years of their activities. 

Alongside this major occurrence, many other public discussions and workshops have been organized by the Municipality of Torino (visit the full program at this page).

In fact, the public administration of Torino declared great interest  in starting a conversation between professionals and experts from the worldwide design community — that will be gathered for this occasion — policymakers and citizens on how design can become a strategic asset to meet the city demand of services and urban regeneration.